Reject Rejection: Your Confidence Boost!

šŸš«Are you living in Fear of Rejection?

Welcome back to America's #1 Daily Podcast,  featuring America's #1 Real Estate Coaches and Top EXP Realty Sponsors in the World, Tim and Julie Harris. Ready to become an EXP Realty Agent and join Tim and Julie Harris?  Visit: or text Tim directly at 512-758-0206.

IMPORTANT: Join #1 Real Estate Coaches Tim and Julie Harris's Premier Coaching now for FREE. Included is a DAILY Coaching Session with a HARRIS Certified Coach. Proven and tested lead generation, systems, and scripts designed for this market. Instant FREE Access Now: YES, Enroll Me NOW In Premier Coaching

Are you living in Fear of Rejection? Decide to conquer that fear once and for all! How much fuller would your life, your mind, and even your bank account be if you lost your fear of rejection? What are you avoiding by allowing your fear of rejection to thrive?

In todayā€™s show weā€™re going to discuss how fear of rejection influences your behavior in negative ways, and how worrying about being rejected actually leads to the outcome youā€™re trying to avoid. (Being rejected).

HUGE Announcement: You will love this! Looking for the full outline from today's presentation? Our DAILY Newsletter featured lead generation systems, real estate scripts, daily success plans and (YES) the notes or today's show. Best part? The newsletter is free!

What are you avoiding?  Time to be introspective. Write down your answers.  

  • Are you avoiding proactive lead generation?  Do you avoid talking about real estate with anyone you donā€™t already know?

  • Lead Follow Up?  Do you try once and then convince yourself that your prospect must not be motivated or that they just didn't like you?

  • Do you avoid closing because you don't want to hear NO?

  • Higher average sale prices?  Are you afraid you'll be rejected because you're out of your comfort zone?

  • Are you afraid of becoming a powerful listing agent?

I did some research on the topic of overcoming rejection.  It turns out you're not alone!

REAL ESTATE LEADS, LEADS and more LEADS: Question: What is Tim and Julie Harris's favorite PROBATE LEAD PROVIDER? Simple, 

From Ted Talksā€¦

Jia Jiang boldly adventures into a territory so many of us fear: rejection. By seeking out rejection for 100 days ā€” from asking a stranger to borrow $100 to requesting a ā€œburger refillā€ at a restaurant ā€” Jiang desensitized himself to the pain and shame that rejection often brings and discovered that simply asking for what you want can open up possibilities where you expect to find dead ends.

What did he discover? How does this apply to your real estate world?

1 His childhood fear had haunted him into adulthood! Rejection at age 6 followed him for years. So he decided to create 100 days of rejection to deep dive into his challenge.

*What rejection are you still hanging on to and how long ago did it occur? Isnā€™t it time to let that go? (cue Elsa's song ā€˜Let it Go!ā€™ from Frozen!)

2 He learned that it wasnā€™t the initial rejection, it was the fact that he had no plan, no presentation, and a fear of closing.

*Hmmm, this sounds a lot like real estate issuesā€¦ consider the fact that winging it all the time keeps you on the path of rejection because the definition of ā€˜closeā€™ is ā€˜the logical ending to a GREAT Presentation!ā€™

If you're not using scripts and presentations, it makes sense that you live in fear of rejection or objections.  This is easily curable through Premier Coaching.

3 Jia did the equivalent of ā€˜earn while you learnā€™, by creating experiences on purpose, experiences where he was likely to be rejected. Asking for $100 from a stranger, asking for a ā€˜burger refillā€™, and asking to be a ā€˜Starbucks Greeterā€™, for example!

4 He learned to not quit, to not give up. He developed what we call ā€˜stick-to-it-ivenessā€™, the intuition that you must stick to it to succeed!

The average 'close' in a sales situation occurs after asking 5 to 8 times. When do you throw in the towel? 

5 He learned to lighten up, to not take rejection so seriously! He 'gamified' the process.  Go look for rejection, to desensitize yourself from the pain, or perceived pain. 

Examples from his experiment:  He went to Krispy Kremeā€¦he asked for 5 donuts linked together to make the Olympic symbol. The manager of Krispy Kreme actually did it for him. He realized that he had to just ask enough times and hear yes.

*How many times are you ASKING for the business? How many times do you hear 'no' each day? Do you pursue it so you can hear YES, or do you hide out in fear of rejection?

*Remember that NO just means, not now, they don't need your help. It has nothing to do with you personally!

Ready to become an EXPIRED Listing Agent? As promised, here is the discount link for the EXPIRED LISTING LEADS:

6 He learned that by finding the objection, he could overcome it.  In real estate, hearing objections is a GOOD sign, it means your prospect is interested and engaging you in conversation. This is why using excellent scripts gives you superpowers.

Homework: Put yourself into a position of hearing NO at least 5 times per day, 5 days per week and see how many times you hear YES.  This can be through proactive lead generation, lead follow-up, door knocking, or calling your past clients and sphere of influence.  Change your mindset into one of actually pursuing more no's instead of less, and soon you'll be hearing many more YES's.